HSS Bryggfest 8.6.

Traditional HSS Bryggfest summer party is organized on Friday June 8th
at 6-10pm in Western Shed.We kick off the party by inaugurating our new E-pier at approx 6.15pm at

Warm food and drinks are served at Western Shed starting approx 6.45pm.
HSS Paviljong Burger (incl. vegetarian alternative) including one drink
(wine, beer, cider, soft drink) costs 13€/person for adults and
8€/person for juniors. We highly appreciate if you take care of this
payment via Holvi latest Wednesday June 6th by 6pm. Sailor’s Bar will
continue serving beverages until approx 10pm.
We’ll also enjoy live music during the evening – Greyhound Jazz Band
will be performing starting approx 7.15pm.

Warmly welcome!
HSS Club Committee

Registration https://holvi.com/shop/helsingforssegelsallskap/section/races-and-events/

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